Silicone Sealant arrow_back

One part ready to use, medium modulus, high performance silicone rubber sealant. Formulated especially for sealing and joining on roofs, gutters and aluminum siding. Adheres and seals to porous and non-porous surfaces. Ideal for general glazing, structural glazing, mirror and skylights. Provides superior adhesion and cures to a permanently flexible water seal. Weather proofing -building joints will not crack or shrink. Meets the requirements of Federal Specifications TT-S-001543A(CON-NBS), TT-S-00230c and ASTM C920-79. Capable of + 50% movement extensions and compression. Available in multi -colors.
Prepare clean, dry surface. Cut tip and attach nozzle. Cut nozzle at an angle to desire head size. Apply with caulking gun forcing sealant into the joint. Dry tool immediately, cures dry to touch in 25 minutes, fully within 10 days. Seal the nozzle with suitable object (nail) for future use of the unused sealant, Clean of excess sealant with xylol, MEK solvent MFG precaution.
Uncured sealant may cause skin, eyes and respiratory system irritation. Use
only in well ventilated areas.In case of eyes contact or irritation, flush eyes
immediately with running water for 20 minutes and obtain medical attention
immediately. For further health and safety information, consult the current
Material Safety Data Sheet.
Storage: Sealants are to be stored under cool, (below 80o F) dry conditions use within 12 months from date of purchase.
300 ml.